Lanes wins 5th Skills Accord for workforce development success

Water utilities and drainage specialist, Lanes Group plc has won a Procurement Skills Accord for the fifth year in a row.

The training and skills development accolade has been presented by the Energy & Utilities Skills Partnership.

The company was one of 37 utility service suppliers to achieved Skills Accord status in 2023, out of 47 companies that are signatories to the programme.

The accords were presented at a Best Practice and Awards event that was held in Birmingham on Wednesday 24th May 2023.

The Procurement Skills Accord (PSA) is a national initiative that encourages increased investment in targeted training and skills across the energy and utilities supply chain.

Lanes Utilities, which last year won an eight-year extension to its contract as the sole wastewater network services maintenance partner for Thames Water, submitted detailed evidence about its workforce development programme and performance.

This was assessed against the accord criteria, which includes: initiatives to address skills gaps; skills development in the supply chain; and demonstration of continuous improvement in skills development.

The Energy & Utilities Skills Partnership was impressed with the way Lanes gathers data about women and people from ethnic minorities to ensure fair access to skills training, its active promotion of opportunities through jobs fairs in schools and colleges, partnership working with the prison service, and an ‘excellent’ continuous improvement plan.

It is forecast that 221,000 skilled jobs will need to be filled across the energy and utility industries by 2027, with 100,000 people set to retire by then, 90,000 people moving to new jobs and 31,000 new jobs created.

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