Our customers’ opinion really does matter to us

With more than 2 decades of experience in providing FM solutions, Chris Black, Operations Director for TC Facilities Management (TCFM), shares the results from the latest Customer Feedback Survey.

Good business practice dictates gathering feedback from customers to understand the reality of what people really think of a business. As part of our commitment to our customers, 2019 has marked the year that we have done precisely that by opening the window to listen to feedback from our customers.

We designed and developed an online survey and listened to the responses from almost 20% of our customers who responded to the invitation to take part. These responses have helped us understand 10 key indicators of what our customers think and how they feel about our approach and the services we provide to help them make their businesses a safe and great place to work.

We are delighted to hear that our customers consider that we have both a good knowledge of the industry that we operate in along with the day-to-day issues that each business faces. This is no mean feat, as we support businesses in a vast range of sectors: retail, manufacturing, pharmaceutical, technology, automotive, leisure and corporate offices.

For those wondering whether with TCFM operating in over 5,000 sites, how quickly we are able to respond to issues? We heard that 3 out 4 people feel that we respond quickly to their needs.

Our values
Core values are what supports our vision, shape our culture and reflect what is important to us here at TCFM. They are the essence of our identity. And so, it was great to hear that that our customers feel really respected by us, that we give of our best, that we genuinely care about what matters to them and feel that we deliver excellent service time and again.

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