Public Health England

Each year, more than 1,100 lung cancer deaths in the UK are linked to radon, a colourless, odourless, radioactive gas that is in the air we breathe. As a landlord or employer, it is your responsibility to protect those in your buildings from potential harm.

PHE has four decades’ experience and expertise in delivering radon programmes. Our measurement service and advice are underpinned by our scientific research. We provide radon monitors, advise you on how to check your buildings and what to do when action is needed.

What is radon? Radon is a radioactive gas. Radon accounts for half of the average UK radiation dose.
What is the risk? Radon produces radioactive particles that we breathe in, which damage our lungs and increase the risk of lung cancer.

What is a radon Affected Area? These are areas where at least 1% of homes are likely to have high radon levels.

What is my responsibility as a landlord? Under the 2004 Housing Act you have a duty to provide a safe home. Radon is identified as a potential hazard in dwellings.

What is my responsibility as an employer? Under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, you have a duty of care to your employees.

How can PHE help? We recommend a three stage process to ensure the health and safety of your tenants and employees.
Check: Are any of your buildings in a radon Affected Area? The radon atlas gives the worst case radon potential within a 1km grid square. An interactive version of this map can be viewed on our website We also offer a search service for large property portfolios, giving the radon potential for properties sharing a given postcode.
Measure: All occupied properties in an Affected Area should be tested. PHE is a validated laboratory and can carry out your radon testing programme.
Act: The radon levels should be reduced if the result is found to be above the Action Level in homes (200 Bq m-3) or the Ionising Radiations Regulations 2017 (IRR17) trigger level (300 Bq m-3) in workplaces. Various remediation options are available depending on the result and construction of the property.

It is expected that all radiation protection services currently provided by the Centre for Radiation, Chemical and Environmental Hazards (CRCE) within PHE will transfer into the new UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) with effect from October 2021.

Visit our website to use the interactive radon map. You can also find information about radon testing, building remediation and lots of helpful FAQs.

Email us on if you have any questions.