Stay safe with Energetics Technology

In recent times the prevalent threat of terrorism in busy public spaces has seen the removal of litter bins, at the detriment of environmental cleanliness, resulting in expensive litter clean-up operations.

The reason for their removal is that traditional litter bins make a terrorist bomb more efficient; this is because of the fragmentation of the litter bin; which significantly increases the level of serious injury to pedestrians nearby.

Energetics technology’s Blast Resistant Litter Bins offers the practical safe solution to this by preventing fragmentation and blast over pressure, protecting pedestrians, whilst still delivering an environmentally responsible solution to waste management.

Energetics Technology offer three blast resistant litter bin models, with additional variations of each model.

Energetics technology tell us that it is their mission to design, test and manufacture to the most rigorous quality control procedures, blast mitigation solutions to help protect people and assets against explosive threats and to help maintain business operational continuity.

In addition to their extensive range of Blast Resistant Litter Bins, Energetics Technology manufactures building protection solutions, and blast mitigation units.

If your business is facing a blast threat, we suggest you contact Energetics Technology to find a cost effective, reliable solution.

T 01283 732339