Would You Like to Read a, “GENUINE SUCCESS STORY” !!

Space-Plug has gone from a former fitter’s brainchild to sales in excess of 3.5 million units!! That former fitter, entrepreneur and Managing Director of Space-Plug Ltd, Cliff Petit, told us, “I’m over the moon! In all honesty the concept had been in my head for such a long time. It’s actually been 25 years in the making… But it’s now well and truly made!”

Space-Plugs approach might be unusual in the modern world but it seems the old school business plan of not spending it until you’ve made it is paying off for them. Cliffs brother and business partner Nige recounted, “It seems like yesterday we were thrilled taking half a dozen packs to the post office… last year I had the logistical nightmare of creating 24 Pallets of retail stock in the lounge of my 2 bed flat!”

But this year they are set to break out of the, “Cottage Industry” style of business and the company is looking to gear up in earnest with plans for major investment directly from company funds. Cliff reports, “Taking a bit of time to build a business has proven to be the right move. There is such a trend to look for the instant gratification of major investment but avoiding that means we are now able to invest in major growth without any leverage against future profits safe in the knowledge that Space-Plug is hugely popular with an ever growing list of delighted users.” He continues, “Space-Plug hits 5 star reviews across the board and the “Orange Doofer” fan club just keeps growing. As someone who’s done the job I know, if you’re not into Space-Plug you’re just missing out!”

These brothers are definitely doing things in their own way with their own light hearted manner. “The company was started with just £3000 borrowed from the bank of Dad!” states Cliff smiling. “This year Space-Plug is growing fast and our joint investment plan with our fantastic new manufacturer based in Sussex, Masona Plastics is looking to top £200,000!”

Their plans as well as the new manufacturing partnership include, new commercial management input, new tooling for the Mk II plug, new automated packing machinery, new patent applications, new products, new Skus, new territories, new markets, new distribution, new media, a new website and of course many new customers.

This really is a genuine, old school, British success story and we’re wishing Space-Plug, Cliff and Nige the best of luck that it continues.
