Zero Pollution Network goes to War on Plastics Pollution

With reports already stating that there will be more plastics in our oceans than fish by 2050, the enemy already piling up on our beaches, making front page headlines and taking centre place on Sir David Attenborough’s BBC Blue Planet, we have a battle on our hands on a par to global warming to stem the flow of aquatic pollution, especially from our drains and sewers.

The Zero Pollution  Network is open to those that can deliver solutions in part or in full to rescue our aquatic world from oblivion. It is for those that innovate, those with real solutions, with skilled manpower to install and maintain, with knowledge to share and engineer, with the funds to finance, with trial sites to validate, supply chain with high quality materials and components or for simply those with a philanthropic ambition to leave a positive legacy.

The Network is also open to Water, Wastewater Companies, Government Agencies, Research Organisation, Academia and Industry, who we invite to post their challenges to the Network for its members to peruse and to come up with solutions. At present too much time is wasted second guessing issues resulting in numerous square pegs for too many round holes.

If you feel you can contribute towards the Network’s ambition of eradicating aquatic pollution, please visit our website and complete the online application form in strictest confidence. It is free to join, however if you pledge to make a voluntary contribution when you win business or exchange services, you can join our hall of fame, publicise your achievement and rise up the Membership classes based upon your donation level measured both financially but also from the perspective of impact and relish in the fact that you are doing something great to protect or planet.

We only have one aquatic world, let’s work together before it is too late, join the Zero Pollution Network today.