Elevate: seamless construction project management

Building & Construction Review would like the construction industry to take note of ‘Elevate:’ our New Year Spotlight company.

Project management in the construction industry often requires a triangular pulling of heads between the chief architect, contractor, and sub-contractor, not to mention health & safety and contractual law, fire safety post-Hackitt review, urban planning law and a drive towards carbon neutral footprints. It’s no wonder that project managers can feel that all processes, no matter how small or large can be delayed.

Steve McGowan has spent over 34 years working in construction: from the early days as an apprentice joiner, to climbing the ranks as sub-contractor, contractor manager and finally as a consultant. One of the pitfalls he noticed was when the information flow didn’t happen at the right time, with the right people,

“Professionals are asked for RFI’s daily and with higher management working remotely and looking after multiple projects, they need updates quickly and in real time. Elevate can provide that real-time update, directing everyone on what needs actioning. This in turn allows the team to prioritise their time and become more productive.

I have spent the last 13 years self-funding my automated proactive management system, designed to assist everyone to help manage workloads, increase productivity, and reduce stress. The software makes sure everyone is working effectively in the same direction. Elevate is user-friendly, instead of using multiple software that do one little section of the overall process, Elevate Assist, is a standalone software solution connecting everyone under one digital hub.”

This ingenious software design was first market tested in 2007 and was shortlisted for Best Newcomer to Show at The Interbuild Trade show at the NEC to impressed industry professionals. The Editor of Build & Engineers Magazine spoke highly of the programme,

“The only system that interlinks all the different sectors of the industry.”

Steve wanted his design to be available to everyone from a singular user novice, through to the professional and all the way to a multi-faceted management team,

“I wanted my design to be accessible, without the need for a degree in computer programming. We all have different learning styles and many of us are visual learners, which I incorporated into the design with a traffic light system.”

The colour coded design warns of approaching deadlines through the whole management process from design, construction, finance, and legal aspects allowing for full compliance and a full audit trail to be accessed in real-time. Users can input buffers around deadlines to allow for snags and unexpected complications for increased flexibility but the overall aim of Elevate Assist is to push work forward at a scheduled pace. With unlimited viewing access due to its cloud-based servers, any member of the team can monitor progress in real-time from anywhere, knowing at a glance what has to be done to keep everything on track to prevent any possible delays in the future,

“Elevate Assist simply put, alleviates stress, and increases productivity. End-users receive advance notifications of approaching deadlines, smoothly guiding everyone in the same direction. The quality control software saves time, allowing everyone to just get on with their jobs. The visual dashboard can be displayed on many formats instantly and allows for remote team meetings to have real-time data to quickly assess the state-of play and make quick decisions, keeping the whole team fully focussed on the objectives.”

Elevate Assist can skilfully plan the whole timeline from blueprint to brick with smart technology guiding the whole process seamlessly. Steve however sees the intelligent system working in many industries outside construction,

“There’s nothing to stop a banking or legal setting from using the smart programming. The banking sector needs to mitigate against loan defaulting and fraud. Elevate Assist would allow bankers to input data from the offset and this solutions software would offer certitude of drawdown.”

This software solution is exclusively new to market but in the last eight months has already made waves across various sectors. The CEO of Vantage Homes, R Rowntree was blown away by the product,

“It is certainly the most complete system I have ever seen.”

This complete management system will work across the whole spectrum of construction projects from multi-million new build projects, to bespoke listed building refurbishments to large-scale tower block demolitions. It requires minimal training allowing companies to just get on with the tasks at hand and as a standalone programme it doesn’t need complicated computer migration to other systems.

Looking ahead to the next business quarter Steve is ready to take the construction and in fact, any business sector by storm with this innovative, cost-saving project management system. If you’re looking to elevate your business to the next level, then this is the perfect solution.

For more information, contact Steve McGowan on the details below.

T 01962 761693
M 07824 724377